Monday, January 28, 2008

Homophobia Based On Puritan Sexual Hangups

At its root, anti-Queer sentiment is based in a visceral sense that what we do is wrong and distasteful. Our staunchest opponents do not care about nor are they compelled by how much we love each other, how successfully we raise our children, or how dutifully we pay our taxes, or how we serve the public good in numerous other ways. In the final analysis, they just think we're nasty.Anti-Queer arguments based in religion, culture and the creation of children are all smoke screens to cover up something that's really very base: disgust. Trying to rationalize and cover up disgust with other excuses merely serves to justify the perpetuation of political, social and physical violence against Queer communities. But if we pay attention to the messages from the LGBTQQI movement -- particularly the messages we send ourselves -- it would appear that we have forgotten that our marginalization is based in others' discomfort around our sexuality, and we've responded by not talking about our sexuality and instead talking about love.

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