Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Capri Cafaro Could Be On Democrat Leadership Team

From Gongwer (pay shield):
Sen. Miller (D-Columbus) said a majority of the caucus met Wednesday morning to lend him support for the caucus' top position, but questions remained about the process by which the vote was taken, and whether a resignation letter would be tendered.
Set to join Sen. Miller in the new leadership slate are: Sen. Shirley Smith (D-Cleveland) as assistant minority leader; Sen. Lance Mason (D-Cleveland) as minority whip; and Sen. Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard) as assistant minority whip. Sen. Mason is a member of the caucus leadership team.
Sen. Fedor declined to comment after session.
Caucus rules apparently require either the minority leader, or the caucus dean - currently Sen. Tom Roberts (D-Dayton) -to call for a caucus meeting at which elections can be conducted. Neither called for such a meeting.
Scandal? Is the vote legit?
I'd be reaaaaal interested to see the roll call on that one. Any BSB snoopers on the inside wanna pass it my way?

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