Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sen. Clinton forms LGBT committee

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign announced Wednesday that it has formed an LGBT steering committee made up of prominent gays to reach out to the community.
It includes New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn; Elizabeth Birch, former Executive Director of the Human Rights Campaign; people from the entertainment industry including Greg Berlanti, the creator/producer of TV series "Brothers and Sisters" and Ilene Chaiken, the creator and producer of "The L Word" among others, and various gay people with experience in the federal government including Eldie Acheson, a former U.S. Assistant Attorney General and the founding director of Public Policy and Government Affairs at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

Ex-Gay Program Leaders Apologize

Three former leaders of a ministry that counsels gays to change their sexual orientation apologized, saying although they acted sincerely, their message had caused isolation, shame and fear.
The former leaders of the interdenominational Christian organization Exodus International said Wednesday they had become disillusioned with promoting gay conversion.
"Some who heard our message were compelled to try to change an integral part of themselves, bringing harm to themselves and their families," the three said in a statement released outside the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center.
The statement was from former Exodus co-founder Michael Bussee, who left the group in 1979, Jeremy Marks, former president of Exodus International Europe, and Darlene Bogle, the founder of Paraklete Ministries, an Exodus referral agency.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Homophobic Churches Reigned In By Episcopalians

Posted in Gay/Lesbian News

In an exhaustive 77-page ruling, a California Court of
Appeal has ruled in favor of the Episcopal Church and
the Diocese of Los Angeles and against three Episcopal
congregations voted to leave the Episcopal Church and
join Anglican Province of Uganda. The decision, which
overturns rulings by a lower court, comes in the first
of the recent cases brought to recover Episcopal
Church property retained by congregations now calling
themselves St. James Anglican Church, Newport Beach;
All Saints' Anglican Church, Long Beach; and St.
David's Anglican Church, North Hollywood. The
congregations voted in August 2004 to amend their
articles of incorporation, and maintain that they are
now part of the Anglican Province of Uganda.

The trial court had ruled in favor of the departing
congregations in August 2005. But the Fourth District
Court of Appeal, in an exhaustive 77-page review of
U.S. Supreme Court and California appellate decisions
as well as a pertinent California statute, held that
where a hierarchical church -- such as the Episcopal
Church -- has determined that the real and personal
property of subordinate bodies must be used and
maintained for the benefit of the larger church, the
courts in California must respect and enforce that
determination. via Gay Religion: news of religion and
GLBT folks

Poll Shows Americans Think Gays Can Not Change Sexual Preference

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Mrs. Edwards Speaks At SF Gay Pride Rally

Elizabeth Edwards' scheduled appearance Sunday at a major San Francisco Gay Pride event represents a first for a major presidential candidate or spouse -- one that activists said reflects the growing clout of gay and lesbians as voters and their continued move into the political mainstream.
Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards, is scheduled to speak Sunday morning at the Alice B. Toklas Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Democratic Club breakfast at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. Organizers say it marks the highest level of presidential campaigning at the annual Gay Pride Parade.
"It certainly is another barrier falling,'' said author and gay activist David Mixner, a Clinton administration adviser who backs Edwards in the 2008 race.
"There's been a taboo on any (candidate)- related Gay Pride events,'' he said, with major presidential hopefuls steering away because the event has been viewed largely in the mainstream media as a no-holds-barred celebration of the gay lifestyle.
But Mixner -- whom Newsweek once called "the most powerful gay man in America'' -- said Democratic politicians particularly are realizing that "just like straights at Mardi Gras, there's a wide range of different events, from picnics and political clubs to the parade,'' many of them family-oriented and many stocked with potential voters.
"The myth of what Pride is will be exploded ... and that taboo will now be removed,'' he said. "And I can't think of a better person to do it than Elizabeth Edwards. She won't let people tell her where she can go and who she can talk to.''
Gloria Nieto, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee's gay and lesbian caucus who has yet to endorse a 2008 candidate, agreed that Elizabeth Edwards' appearance showed that candidates view gay and lesbian voters as a constituency that must be sought after in much the same way as other blocs of voters -- particularly in California with its important Feb. 5 primary.
"The fact that Edwards' campaign is so forward thinking in that way shows that (gay political influence) is coming to fruition," Nieto said. "They're looking outside the Beltway and looking for other areas of gay power and influence.''
Democratic activist Jeff Anderson, who invited Elizabeth Edwards to the event and supports her husband, the former North Carolina senator, called her scheduled appearance on Sunday "a significant step for our community.''
"Over the last 10 years, we've advanced so far from presidential candidates not wanting to show up,'' to discussing and even endorsing gay issues, said Anderson, the former co-chair of John Kerry's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender finance committee. Anderson is among those who will be host for an Edwards fundraiser with the candidate Tuesday night at the Fairmont Hotel.
After three decades of Gay Pride celebrations, the presence of a major candidate's spouse signifies three things, said Scott Wiener, who chairs the San Francisco Democratic Party Central Committee.
"The first is the growing clout of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community in politics, particularly Democratic party politics. The second is increasing acceptance of political candidates who hold pro-LGBT views -- especially since 10 years ago, candidate were much more skittish about that,'' he said. "And it shows John Edwards' strong support for the LGBT community ... he's been incredibly supportive."
Wiener said Elizabeth Edwards -- who has also agreed to be the keynote speaker at the July 14 Human Rights Campaign event at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium -- brings her own cachet as one of the most popular figures on the presidential campaign trail.
"On her own, she's a very accomplished person, as a lawyer

Council Position Open In Poland

Friday, June 15, 2007

Homophobic General Pace Forced Out

WASHINGTON - In his first public comments on the Bush administration's surprise decision to replace him as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Peter Pace disclosed that he had turned down an offer to voluntarily retire rather than be forced out.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gay Marriage To Stay In Mass.

The Democrats in the Massachusettes Legislature voted not to put an amendment to ban gay marriage on the ballot. This means that gays may continue to get married in that state. Great news. The Massachusetts General Assembly took only 30 minutes to reject the Anti-Gay Amendment that would amend the States Constitution to Ban Gay Marriage! Because the amendment was citizen based it required just 50 votes to go on the ballot. The final vote was 151 to 45! We congratulate all the Allied and LGBT groups in Massachusetts and around the country that fought to keep Gay Marriage Legal in the state.

New Importuning Law

Ohio legislators are moving to make importuning on the internet a crime.
SB 183 IMPORTUNING (Schaffer) - To provide mandatory minimum prison terms for persons who plead guilty to or are convicted of importuning by means of a telecommunications device.

Bush Administration Abandoning Traditional Minorities

The Bush Administration has switched the Civil Rights division from protecting the rights of minorities in the black and gay communities to protecting the rights of the religious right.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bush Is Robbed In Albania

Bush in Albania 2007 - Cheering Crowd Steals His Watch!!! He puts his arm into the crowd and it's gone. You can see the watch at the :47 second mark, it's gone by 1:20Run time: 04:06 Posted on YouTube: June 10, 2007By YouTube Member: videoshqipViews on YouTube: 279862

Obama To Raise Funds In The Valley

June 12

BIRTHdAYS (and the occasional straights)* 1802 - English feminist Harriet Martineau* 1858 - British artist Henry Scott Tuke* 1892 - Djuna Barnes -- Her poems are believed to be the firstpublished in English directly mentioning lesbianism.* 1901 - Designer Norman Hartnell* 1929 - Writer Brigid Brophy* 1950 - The Right Honourable British Parliamentarian Nicholas "Nick" Brown* 1959 - "Kid in the Hall" (and so much more) Scott ThompsonQ.UOTE"As the friends I once served with head off to 15-month deployments, Iregret I’m not there to lessen their burden and to serve my country. I’mtrained to fight, I speak Arabic and I’m willing to serve. No recruiterneeds to make a persuasive argument to sign me up. I’m ready, and I’mwaiting." - Ousted Arabic translator Stephen Benjamin, who was too gayto prevent terrorism in the Army.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sen. Sherrod Brown Votes No Confidence In Gonzales

Dear Mr. Rowinsky:Thank you for contacting me in regard to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.Unfortunately, this administration has set a tone of corruption and ineffectiveness. It is unconscionable that this administration chose to terminate highly qualified US attorneys for political reasons. At the same time, the administration failed to hold accountable or fire members of the administration who distorted intelligence reports before commencement of the war in Iraq, leaked the name of a CIA operative, or responded so inadequately to hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It is the role of the Congress to act as a check to the president and his administration. It is our Constitutional responsibility to oversee the misdoings of the White House and ensure that the interests of Americans come before the apparent cronyism of this administration. On May 24, 2007, Senator Schumer introduced Senate Joint Resolution 14, expressing no confidence in the job performance of Attorney General Gonzales. I was an original cosponsor of this resolution, and will support it should it come before the Senate for consideration.Thank you again for contacting me. Sincerely,Sherrod Brown

Bush Surgeon General Anti-Gay

Friday, June 8, 2007

Dems Support Equality in Armed Forces-Republicans Don't

All Democratic Candidates for President supported eliminating any discrimination against GLBT in the armed forces. All Republicans supported discrimination through "Don't Ask Don't Tell".

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Independent Candidates Must Be Independent

A court ruled that for a candidate to run as an independent, he can not have any affiliation with a political party. Can not vote in a primary. Can not be on any committees. Must be independent.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Same Old Debate

The debate was just a bunch of the same old stuff. And this is six months before the actual campaign should begin.