Saturday, April 26, 2008

Religious Bigots At It Again

The president of the American Family Association says Proctor & Gamble needs to stop advancing the homosexual agenda through a popular daytime soap opera.

On Wednesday, As the World Turns -- which is owned by P&G -- featured two homosexual characters kissing. Earlier this year, the show included a similar scene, after which the American Family Association (AFA) and other pro-family groups encouraged people to contact the consumer products company. With this latest development, AFA president Tim Wildmon says it appears that Cincinnati-based P&G is making a concerted effort to promote the homosexual lifestyle.

Hudson Church Split Over Gay Rights

Utility Companies Maneuvering To Avoid Regulation

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cong. Ryan Panders To Public

Cong. Tim Ryan stated that he is willing to allow oil drilling in America's most sensative environments just to allow American's to continue excessive usage of oil and gas. Everywhere you look proof of global warming is showing up. Glacier National Park is loosing all of it's glaciers. The glaciers in Glacier Bay National Park have retreated to the end of the bay. Miami is under threat of being flooded like New Orleans if the ice shelf in Antarctica continues to melt and slip into the ocean.

Yet congress refuses to provide the leadership to really reduce our consumption of gasoline. McCain wants to eliminate the tax on gasoline. No money to repair roads. Definately no money to build passenger trains to reduce our use of gasoline. Congress proposed increasing gas mileage in cars to 25 mpg. Wow. 50 mpg might have the desired result. Providing mass transit like it Europe might help.

But no, Ryan and others just bury their heads and provide zero leadership in this area. In the meantime, we go to war to get oil. We send our last dollars to Saudia Arabia for oil. They use the money to blow up our buildings.

Where's the leadership when you need it?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rather a Felon than a Gay

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee today released data<http://oversight. story.asp? ID=1889> showing a dramatic rise inthe number of moral waivers issued to recruits joining the Army and MarineCorps. The number of waivers granted to recruits convicted of manslaughter,rape, kidnapping and making terrorist threats, doubled between 2006 and2007. During that same time, the Pentagon continued discharging servicemembers under the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law banning lesbian, gay andbisexual personnel from serving openly in the military. This data shines abright light on the outrageousness and absurdity of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Monday, April 21, 2008

Cheney's Halliburton Makes Big Profit

More Christian Bigots Try To Create Their Own Laws

Others who have opposed the temple have voiced concerns about strangers coming into the neighborhood, prompting speculation that bigotry might be fueling the opposition. Correspondence in zoning department files ask such questions as: ''Why has Richfield become the place where all these odd religions want to be?'' ''How far do there (sic) members drive to get here?'' and ''Are these people safe?''
Currently, there is a Sikh temple in the village and there is a Jain temple in Richfield Township. All of the Christian churches in the village are in residential areas, according to Swan.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Did You Do Anything To Prevent It Happening Again?

The Supreme Court stopped a recount in Florida in 2000 that would have made Al Gore president. This is not speculation. The recount was later done.Numerous elections were stolen in 2002, in Colorado, New Hampshire, Minnesota, and elsewhere, including Senate, Governor, and House races in Georgia that were practically openly swiped by Diebold's elections unit president flying in at the last minute and altering the election machines. The theft of Don Siegelman's 2002 election as governor of Alabama was almost as transparent. One county reported a set of results from electronic machines that made Siegelman governor, then recalculated and reported a different set of results. The new results were statistically impossible, and the pair of reports strongly suggested exactly how the machines were rigged, first mistakenly and later as intended.

Another Gay Evangelical

Local Nashvillian and host of The Remix, a popular Christian youth show, Azariah Southworth, announced today that he has come out.
“This has been a long time coming. I’m in a place where I’m at peace with my faith, friends, family and more importantly myself. I know this will end my career in Christian television, but I must now live my life openly and honestly with everyone. This is my reason for doing this,” Southworth says.
Southworth has been hosting and producing the popular Christian TV show, The Remix for a year and a half. It is in syndication and can be seen in more than 128 million homes worldwide. It averages more than 200,000 viewers weekly on one of three networks. It has featured major Christian acts such as Jars of Clay, Avalon, Superchick, Building 429 and Rachael Lampa.

End don't ask

Ronald Reagans former Assistant Secretary of Defense, Lawrence J. Korb, urged Congress Apr. 16 to strike down the military ban on openly gay troops.The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network issued a press release that same day to announce that Korb had urged lawmakers to "get rid of outmoded social restrictions" like "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and provided written testimony in which he suggested that the ban was "counterproductive to military readiness."

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Maine Bigots On The Attack

AUGUSTA, Maine - One of the state's most vocal opponents of gay rights has initiated a referendum aimed at banning same-sex marriages or civil unions and prohibiting same-sex couples from adopting children.The referendum also would eliminate sexual orientation as a protected class under the Maine Human Rights Act and would take away funding that supports civil rights teams affiliated with the state Attorney General’s Office.Michael Heath, executive director of the Christian Civic League of Maine, said that if the Secretary of State’s Office approves his petition, he’ll begin recruiting organizers to gather signatures. Putting a referendum on the state ballot requires about 55,000 signatures, or 10 percent of the turnout for the last gubernatorial election.

Aids On The Increase

A CDC HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, that was quietly released recently, shows a “catastrophic” 48% increase in US HIV infections between the years 2005 and 2006. The number of infections jumped to 52,878 new reported cases in 2006 up from 35,537 reported in 2005. With the lifetime costs of one HIV-infected individual’s treatment and care estimated to be $600,000, these new CDC surveillance numbers suggest a $36 billion aggregate cost for caring for these nearly 53,000 individuals.

Schwarzenegger To Fight Anti-Gay Amendment

SAN DIEGO - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says that if an initiative to ban gay marriage qualifies for the November ballot, he's prepared to fight it.

California's governor spoke Friday in San Diego at the convention of the Log Cabin Republicans, the nation's largest gay Republican group.
He has previously vetoed bills that would have legalized gay marriage. A Schwarzenegger spokeswoman did not say what prompted the governor to shift his position.
Schwarzenegger said he was confident a ban would never pass in California and called the effort "a waste of time."

Candidate Spending

YOUNGSTOWN — Mahoning County Sheriff Randall Wellington didn’t have an opponent on the Democratic primary ballot, but he spent like he did.
Wellington succeeded in getting David P. Aey of Boardman removed as his opponent, jumping over the final legal hurdle Feb. 26. That’s when a federal judge denied Aey’s injunction to get back on the ballot.
Two days later, Wellington, of Youngstown, sheriff since 1999, loaned $30,000 to his campaign.
Among Wellington’s major expenses in the days leading to the March 4 primary include:
U$10,604 to Keynote Media Group of Youngstown for the production of campaign commercials.
U$7,804 paid on Feb. 27 to the Columbus law firm of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur for legal fees.
He also paid $3,646 to the Youngstown Club in Youngstown to rent the facility on primary night for what he described as a “victory party” on the check to the company.
Wellington spent more than $50,000 on his campaign, about half of it between Feb. 14 and April 4, according to finance reports filed Friday with the county board of elections.
At least Wellington has something to show for his money.
Aey didn’t make it on to the ballot, but he spent close to $70,000 seeking the sheriff’s position.
The money spent on what turned out to not even be a race was small potatoes compared to the Democratic probate court judicial primary.
The three candidates in that judicial race spent more than $200,000 of their own money combined for a job that pays about $120,000 a year.
The big spender, Susan Maruca, was also the big loser in the race.
Maruca of Poland gave $79,090 of her own money to the campaign. She finished last with 24.9 percent of the vote.
James Lanzo of Struthers, a municipal court judge in that city, gave $60,000 to his campaign. He finished in second with 31.5 percent of the vote.
Judge Mark Belinky of Boardman, appointed to the seat by the governor, contributed $61,000 of his own money and won the primary with 43.6 percent of the vote.
The primary left Judge Belinky with $3,599 in his campaign fund as of April 4.
County Court Judge Scott D. Hunter, who ran unopposed for the probate court seat in the Republican primary, had $56,972 in his campaign fund as of April 4.
Lou A. D’Apolito of Boardman spent $30,000 of his own money to capture the Democratic nomination for a common pleas court seat.
He doesn’t face opposition in the November general election.
His three opponents — Judge Timothy Franken of Beaver Township, John Jeffrey Limbian of Youngstown and Louis M. DeFabio of Canfield — didn’t file campaign finance reports by Friday’s deadline.
In his pre-primary filing for the period between Jan. 1 and Feb. 13, Judge Franken reported borrowing more than $100,000 from himself and family members for his race.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Obama on Gay Issues

In an exclusive Chicago sit-down with The Advocate's Kerry Eleveld,Democratic front-runner Barack Obama discusses "don't ask, don't tell," Rev.Wright, and what he would do for LGBT Americans if he becomes president. SeeObama <http://advocate. com/exclusive_ detail_ektid5328 5.asp> talks allthings LGBTThe Advocate

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cities Ban Discrimination

the Detroit City Council's passed an ordinance banning discrimination against transgender people by an 8–1 vote. The measure's passage comes on the heels of last week's victory in Kansas City, Mo., where the City Council unanimously passed an identical ban.

Ohio Lawmakers Make Money Grab Of Money For Tobacco Control

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Republican McCain

10 things to know about McCain:1. John McCain voted against establishing a national holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now he says his position has "evolved," yet he's continued to oppose key civil rights laws.12. According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish than Bush on Iraq, Russia and China. Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan says McCain "will make Cheney look like Gandhi."23. His reputation is built on his opposition to torture, but McCain voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, and then applauded President Bush for vetoing that ban.3 4. McCain opposes a woman's right to choose. He said, "I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned." 4 5. The Children's Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in Congress for children. He voted against the children's health care bill last year, then defended Bush's veto of the bill.5 6. He's one of the richest people in a Senate filled with millionaires. The Associated Press reports he and his wife own at least eight homes! Yet McCain says the solution to the housing crisis is for people facing foreclosure to get a "second job" and skip their vacations.6 7. Many of McCain's fellow Republican senators say he's too reckless to be commander in chief. One Republican senator said: "The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He's erratic. He's hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."7 8. McCain talks a lot about taking on special interests, but his campaign manager and top advisers are actually lobbyists. The government watchdog group Public Citizen says McCain has 59 lobbyists raising money for his campaign, more than any of the other presidential candidates.89. McCain has sought closer ties to the extreme religious right in recent years. The pastor McCain calls his "spiritual guide," Rod Parsley, believes America's founding mission is to destroy Islam, which he calls a "false religion." McCain sought the political support of right-wing preacher John Hagee, who believes Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment for gay rights and called the Catholic Church "the Antichrist" and a "false cult."9 10. He positions himself as pro-environment, but he scored a 0—yes, zero—from the League of Conservation Voters last year.Sources:1. "The Complicated History of John McCain and MLK Day," ABC News, April 3, 2008blogs.abcnews. com/politicalpun ch/2008/04/ the-complicated. html"McCain Facts," ColorOfChange. org, April 4, 2008colorofchange. org/mccain_ facts/2. "McCain More Hawkish Than Bush on Russia, China, Iraq," Bloomberg News,March 12, com/apps/ news?pid= 20601103& sid=aF28rSCtk0ZM &refer=us"Buchanan: John McCain 'Will Make Cheney Look Like Gandhi,'" ThinkProgress,February 6, 2008thinkprogress. org/2008/ 02/06/buchanan- gandhi-mccain/3. "McCain Sides With Bush On Torture Again, Supports Veto OfAnti-Waterboarding Bill," ThinkProgress, February 20, 2008thinkprogress. org/2008/ 02/20/mccain- torture-veto/4. "McCain says Roe v. Wade should be overturned," MSNBC, February 18, 2007www.msnbc.msn. com/id/17222147/5. "2007 Children's Defense Fund Action Council(R) Nonpartisan CongressionalScorecard," February 2008www.childrensdefens PageServer? pagename= act_learn_ scorecard2007"McCain: Bush right to veto kids health insurance expansion," CNN, October 3, 2007/POLITICS/ 10/03/mccain. interview/6. "Beer Executive Could Be Next First Lady," Associated Press, April 3, article/ALeqM5h- S1sWHm0tchtdMP5L cLywg5ZtMgD8VQ86 M80"McCain Says Bank Bailout Should End `Systemic Risk,'" Bloomberg News, March25, com/apps/ news?pid= 20601087& sid=aHMiDVYaXZFM &refer=home7. "Will McCain's Temper Be a Liability?," Associated Press, February 16, Politics/ wireStory? id=4301022"Famed McCain temper is tamed," Boston Globe, January 27, news/nation/ articles/ 2008/01/27/ famed_mccain_ temper_is_ tamed/8. "Black Claims McCain's Campaign Is Above Lobbyist Influence: 'I Don'tKnow What The Criticism Is,'" ThinkProgress, April 2, 2008thinkprogress. org/2008/ 04/02/mccain- black-lobbyist/"McCain's Lobbyist Friends Rally 'Round Their Man," ABC News, January 29, Blotter/story? id=42102519. "McCain's Spiritual Guide: Destroy Islam," Mother Jones Magazine, March 12, 2008www.motherjones. com/washington_ dispatch/ 2008/03/john- mccain-rod- parsley-spiritua l-guide.html

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Religious Bigots Ordered To Pay

A federal judge has ordered a lien placed on property owned by Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., as part of a judgment awarded by a jury to Albert Snyder, the father of a U.S. Marine who died in Iraq.
Apr 4, 2008 4:00 AM (1 day ago) by Mike Silvestri, The Examiner
BALTIMORE (Map, News) - A federal judge in Baltimore ordered Westboro Baptist Church members to post their church building and nearly $500,000 more in cash and property while appealing a judgment for protesting a Marine's funeral.
The Kansas church members had hoped to avoid posting a bond while delaying payments in the $5 million judgment a jury awarded Albert Snyder, the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder who died in Iraq.
Westboro church members preach that God kills American soldiers as punishment for the country's tolerance of homosexuality. They protested Matthew Snyder's Westminster funeral in March 2006 by waving signs with such messages as "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "God hates fags."

OBama's Other Preacher

Just when it looked like Barack Obama had gotten away from the controversy surrounding his long-term association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a new anti-gay minister pops out of the closet.
Rev. James T. Meeks, an Illinois state senator who serves as the pastor of Chicago's Salem Baptist Church, has also reportedly been an active member of the Gatekeepers network which advocates a ban on gay marriage, and was named by Southern Poverty Law Center as one of the top "10 leading black religious voices in the anti-gay movement".
While it seems that Meeks is a very busy man, he has reportedly taken time out of his schedule to act as spiritual advisor for Obama. The close relationship with Meeks will no doubt lead many to question his platform of change and equal treatment for all citizens.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Religious Zealots Attact McDonalds

Religious Zealots have no limits.
Upset over the election of a senior executive of the fast food giant McDonald's to the Board of Directors of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association is calling upon his organization's members to take action. Wildmon is asking his ranks to call their local McDonald's franchises to ask why the company is "using its size and resources to promote the homosexual agenda" and to use the AFA's online action center to send company Chairman Andrew J. McKenna an email. (On the AFA page, McKenna is misidentified as the company's President.)
Last month, Richard Ellis, VP of Communications for McDonald's USA, was elected to the NGLCC board and said he was "thrilled to join the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce team and ready to get to work." McDonald's is also listed as a Chamber corporate partner.

Ohio Republicans Bribed Again

Ohio ethics panel says charter school group tied to Brennan illegally transferred funds
The Ohio Elections Commission slammed a pro-charter school political action committee with a record $5.2 million in fines for illegally funneling money to Republican candidates in 2006.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bigot Has Nearly As Much Support As Hitler Did

The Associated PressWednesday, April 2, 20081,000 Back Anti-Gay Okla. LawmakerOKLAHOMA CITY -- More than 1,000 people have streamed into the Oklahoma Capitol to rally in support of a legislator who has been widely criticized for anti-gay remarks caught in a YouTube audio clip.A "We Stand With Sally Kern" sign is posted in the Capitol rotunda where the rally is being held.Kern made the recorded remarks about homosexuality to a recent gathering of fellow Republicans outside the Capitol. The state representative said homosexuals are a greater threat than terrorists and she has rejected demands by gay and lesbian groups that she apologize.

Strickland Proposed Huge Debt For Ohio

KSU To Offer Domestic Partner Benefits

A new contract for Kent State University faculty comes up for review this year, and an early draft released Wednesday includes a clause on health benefits extended to domestic partnerships for faculty members in a same-sex or opposite-sex relationship.
University spokesman Ron Kirksey confirmed Wednesday the domestic partnership clause is "part of" the new contract, though talks on the contract remain informal at this time.
If ratified in its current form, the contract would be a one-year extension of the current contract between the university and the KSU chapter of the American Association of University Professors, starting Aug. 23 and continuing through Aug. 23, 2009.
According to a draft of the proposal, domestic partners of the same or opposite sex of a member of the AAUP bargaining unit "may be covered for all benefits in those instances where the partner is not eligible for or already covered by another employer. These benefits will include medical, dental, life, personal accident insurance, and tuition remission at the same contribution level applicable to a spouse."
All domestic partner benefits will be subject to IRS rules, and a domestic partner must share a permanent residence with the bargaining member; have been in a relationship for at least six months; intend to remain in the relationship indefinitely; not currently married or legally separated from another person; not related by blood so as to be disqualified from marriage in Ohio; and financially independent of their significant other.
Kirksey said a verbal offer was made in February, but any formal agreement is "still a ways away."
The proposal also clearly states that any agreement accepted by both parties would still have to be ratified by the KSU Board of Trustees, the AAUP and the KSU Foundation Board of Trustees.
Domestic partners applying for benefits also would be required to sign an "Affidavit of Domestic Partnership," according to the draft document, which also discusses a 3 percent raise in faculty salaries and no change in costs to faculty for employee healthcare contributions.
KSU's Faculty Senate unanimously approved a resolution on Feb. 13, 2006 to extend healthcare benefits to domestic partners under the university's health plan. Faculty senators said at the time there was no law in the state preventing such a change, and said such a extension would be in keeping with the university's non-discrimination policies.
University of Akron spokesman Ken Torisky said that university "does not currently offer" benefits to domestic partners of the same or opposite sex. Youngstown State University does offer domestic partner benefits to partners of the same sex, spokesman Ron Cole said, adding that the university first chose to do so in 2004.

Another Sheriff Candidate Bites The Dust

County elections officials say John Martynyszyn of Youngstown is expected to be disqualified, most likely at the next board meeting, May 6.
That’s because Martynyszyn voted in the Democratic primary March 4, a day after he filed to run as an independent candidate for sheriff, according to elections board records.
Martynyszyn would be the third person disqualified as a candidate for sheriff this year.
Ex-Youngstown police Detective Sgt. Rick Alli was removed as a Democratic candidate because he failed to file the proper paperwork to seek the job.
Sheriff Randall A. Wellington, who’s held the position since August 1999, filed an objection to keep David P. Aey, a former deputy sheriff who lives in Boardman, off the Democratic primary ballot.
There are two other independent sheriff candidates: Howard Faison of Youngstown, a retired sheriff’s department captain, and James S. Horvath of Boardman, a retired sheriff’s department lieutenant.
The county prosecutor’s office is reviewing paperwork filed by Faison and Horvath to determine if they are eligible to run for sheriff.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hate Mongers Attack Gay Advertisers

McDonald's has signed on to a nationwide effort to promote "gay" and "lesbian" business ventures.According to McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner, McDonald's will aggressively promote the homosexual agenda. In remarks on McDonald's Web site concerning the company becoming a member of the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), Skinner wrote: "Being a socially responsible organization is a fundamental part of who we are. We have an obligation to use our size and resources to make a difference in the world...and we do."
American Family Ass. tells it's members: Very important! Call your local McDonald's and ask why McDonald's is using its size and resources to promote the homosexual agenda.

General Motors has made a decision to help promote the homosexual agenda. The automaker supports the gay agenda with advertising in homosexual publications and on the gay TV cable channel LOGO. GM's Cadillac regularly places full-page ads in The Advocate, a magazine dedicated to pushing the homosexual agenda. The LOGO TV network carries programs promoting the lifestyle. The hate mongers at American Family Ass. said: GM is blocking our e-mails. They don't want to receive them. Therefore, we are asking individuals to sign the petition. We will then deliver the petitions to GM. We will provide only your name and state.