Sunday, September 23, 2007

A little love for Andrew Sullivan

Okay, so it may seem a bit odd to talk about congratulating a conservative on a democratic blog, but I believe this is well deserved. Andrew Sullivan is a libertarian conservative, political commentator, with his own online posts featured in the, "The Atlantic". The stranger than fiction background to Sullivan is that although he is a conservative, he is also openly gay, and is HIV+, born in the U.K., but an American political commentator. I don't tend to agree on most things that he says, but he is regularly a panelist on the Sunday morning's, "The Chris Mathews Show." Not many people like Chris Mathews either as far as our democrat brothren, but I enjoy his daily and weekly show, because of the mix of people he brings on with multiple points of view.

Anyway, my point of bringing all of this up, is that on today's program, Chris took a moment to not only congratulate Andrew Sullivan of his marriage over the summer, but showed the picture of the happy couple, Sullivan and his "husband", Aaron. That may seem like small potatoes, but a political talk show, complimenting and endorsing a conservative's gay marriage, on a network television show on 10am on a Sunday morning,is kinda significant to me. I congratulate Andrew and Aaron, and Chris Mathews for mentioning it on the air.

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