Wednesday, March 14, 2007

End Discrimination in Ohio

Equality Ohio
ACT NOW:Let’s end discriminationin employment and housing
Tell the Ohio Senate President to give the EHEA a fair hearing:
Click here
Starting now, we can lay the groundwork to pass a piece of legislation that protects all of us from discrimination.
Equality Ohio is working closely with legislators to introduce the Equal Housing and Employment Act. It will provide an equal playing field for Ohioans when it comes to housing, public accommodations and employment regardless of a person’s real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. Click here to visit our partner,, to write Sen. President Harris and ask him to give the bill a complete and fair hearing.
Twice before, similar bills have been introduced. Both times, too few Ohioans spoke up in favor of the bills. Legislators didn’t hear from enough constituents who cared, so they turned their attention to other things. Today, it is still legal in Ohio to fire someone for being gay.
Will the legislature ignore this bill for a third time? Not if we can help it. We have a good chance to finally pass this bill, and you can play an important part. is partnering with us to get this alert to a broad audience. Visit their special alert page to write Senate President Harris and ask that the bill get a complete and fair hearing. We will collect the letters and deliver them in-person to Senator Harris's office.
Expect other opportunities to help get this bill passed in the coming months. There is a lot at stake for all of us and we thank you for taking action and standing with us. We promise to keep you updated on the bill’s progress.

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