Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bush Nominates Homophobe as Surgeon General

Dr. James Holsinger's record seems to demonstrate that he is uninterested in the best scientific information available; instead, he allows his anti-gay bias to inform his medical judgments. In past writings he has compared reproductive organs to plumbing parts and he seems to believe homosexuality is a "lifestyle" choice that should be "cured."
This is the man Bush wants to make our next Surgeon General?
Voice your outrage today, by writing your Senators. Tell them to vote NO on Holsinger's nomination.
Bob Fertik

America's top doctor?
Or America's top anti-gay spokesperson?
Tell your Senators to vote NO on Bush's nominee for Surgeon General.

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1 comment:

Don Rowinsky said...

Past Surgeon General Says He was
Forced To Sell Out By Bush