Monday, July 30, 2007

NEA supports gays while Baptist bigots protest

The approved recommendations, which were delivered briefly in an Executive Committee report and did not require a vote of the assembly, call for the NEA to lobby for hate crimes legislation, boost the NEA website to "include all resources" devoted to homosexual causes, and push for sexual orientation training to be a requirement for earning a teaching credential. Andy Linebaugh, director of public relations for the NEA, told Baptist Press July 20 that he was unaware of the three recommendations on homosexuality adopted by the Executive Committee and offered no comments on the matter. Jeralee Smith, a California teacher and founder of the NEA Ex-Gay Educators Caucus, told Baptist Press the latest developments remind her of the way leaders pushed their agenda through a few years ago, despite opposition. "This is kind of the same thing that happened in 2001 when Dr. [James] Dobson called for a protest rally in front of the NEA convention in Los Angeles," Smith said. "When somebody tried to propose NEA policy on the Representative Assembly floor that would basically promote gay-lesbian curriculum, there were a whole bunch of states that were against it," Smith recounted. "... What happened then was they referred everything to committee, and the next year in the registration packet of the delegates was a 60-page sexual orientation document that was adopted by the Executive Committee. The Representative Assembly had nothing to say about it."

Friday, July 20, 2007

Tammy Faye Thanks Gays

A cancer ravaged Tammy Faye Messner (nee LaValley)bravely premiered on Larry King Live last evening andunabashedly proclaimed that the "gays rescued her"when she and husband Jim lost everything following his sex scandal in the late 80s.

Monday, July 16, 2007

John Edwards Supports Gays

SAN FRANCISCO — Elizabeth Edwards told a prominent gay rights group Saturday night that her husband, presidential candidate John Edwards, would help repeal more than a thousand laws that discriminate against same-sex couples.
Edwards speech to the Human Rights Campaign in San Francisco was an effort to reassure a crucial constituency with growing political clout that while her husband disagrees with her on gay marriage, he would be a champion for legislation that would protect same-sex couples from discrimination.
Elizabeth Edwards said last month she supports gay marriage. The position surprised her husband. The former North Carolina Senator opposes gay marriage but supports civil unions.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Religious Bigots Protest Pictures

Protesters against those great pictures that were shown at YSU. Just goes to show you how religion promotes bigotry.

Republican Rep. Allen Solicited Oral Sex

State Representative, Robert "Bob" Allen, was arrested this afternoon at Veteran's Memorial Park on East Broad St. in Titusville for Solicitation for Prostitution.
Officers say they noticed Allen acting suspicious as he went in and out of the men's restroom 3 times. Minutes later, he solicited an undercover male officer inside the restroom, offering to perform oral sex for $20. Officers realized he was a public figure after the arrest.
Allen, a Republican, represents District 32 of the State House of Representatives. The district spans parts of Brevard and Orange counties. Allen was first elected to the office in 2000.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hate Crimes Bill Up For Vote

Senate files hate crimes bill for potential vote today'Matthew Shepard Act' considered as amendmentWASHINGTON Jul 11, 3:26 PM

According to a press release from the Human Rights Campaign, today Sens. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) filed the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act as an amendment for consideration to the Department of Defense reauthorization that is currently being debated before the U.S. Senate.
The commonly known hate crimes bill could receive a Senate vote as early as this evening.
The House passed an almost identical version of the bill on May 3 with a vote of 237 to 180.
President Bush has said that he will veto the legislation if it is passed by the Senate.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Another Bigot Is Living A Lie

Cong. Vitter was an outspoken supporter of the family and used that as a reason to fight against same sex marriage. It turns out he was using hookers in DC the whole time he was married.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bush Nominates Homophobe as Surgeon General

Dr. James Holsinger's record seems to demonstrate that he is uninterested in the best scientific information available; instead, he allows his anti-gay bias to inform his medical judgments. In past writings he has compared reproductive organs to plumbing parts and he seems to believe homosexuality is a "lifestyle" choice that should be "cured."
This is the man Bush wants to make our next Surgeon General?
Voice your outrage today, by writing your Senators. Tell them to vote NO on Holsinger's nomination.
Bob Fertik

America's top doctor?
Or America's top anti-gay spokesperson?
Tell your Senators to vote NO on Bush's nominee for Surgeon General.

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Monday, July 2, 2007

O'Neil to take on LaTourette

O'Neill steps down from bench, into congressional race
Posted by Sabrina Eaton July 02, 2007 12:57PM
It's official. William O'Neill is no longer an appeals court judge. Now, he's a Democratic candidate for Congress in the district currently represented by Republican Steve LaTourette.
The South Russell attorney limited his fundraising during past unsuccessful campaigns for Ohio Supreme Court because he felt it was inappropriate for judges to seek large amounts of campaign cash. For this race, that stance has been abandoned.
"I plan to raise the funds to wage a strong campaign," O'Neill said in a press release that announced he's filed candidacy paperwork at the Federal Elections Commission and launched a campaign web site at "I plan to aggressively challenge the decisions that Steve LaTourette has made, which I believe have truly hurt our district. And most importantly, I plan to win."
Although O'Neill stepped down from his post on Ohio's 11th District Court of Appeals three days ago, he has retained his other job as a registered nurse in the Pediatric Emergency Department of Hillcrest Hospital.